distance is a bit high due to GPS errors hanging out under cliffs but the time is spot on!
File name : DSC09641.jpg
File size : 1403583 bytes
File date : 2017:04:21 23:26:38
Camera make : SONY
Camera model : DSC-RX100M4
Date/Time : 2017:04:19 21:54:42
Resolution : 3000 x 2000
Flash used : No (auto)
Focal length : 8.8mm (35mm equivalent: 24mm)
Exposure time: 0.0063 s (1/160)
Aperture : f/2.8
ISO equiv. : 320
Whitebalance : Auto
Metering Mode: pattern
Exposure : program (auto)
JPEG Quality : 94
======= IPTC data: =======
City : %G
Record vers. : 4
DateCreated : 20170419
Time Created : 215442
Caption : distance is a bit high due to GPS errors hanging out under cliffs but the time is spot on!