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Topos and action photos for the Sci-Fi Wall area of The Narrows,  April 2, 2017. IndyVision Photography 2017. Topos and action photos for the Sci-Fi Wall area of The Narrows,  April 2, 2017. IndyVision Photography 2017. Topos and action photos for the Sci-Fi Wall area of The Narrows,  April 2, 2017. IndyVision Photography 2017. Topos and action photos for the Sci-Fi Wall area of The Narrows,  April 2, 2017. IndyVision Photography 2017. a quarry a few miles to the north of the crag I met Marty the station engineer who was up at the site working. Super nice guy and I got a brief tour of the transmitter. great chat with Lynn KB3FN after noticing the slick Subaru mobile installation - Diamond K550 Super Gainer that can be folded back for garage parking downtown office sign for the AM station with transmitters up on the hill