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view from Sideling Hill rest stop Cooper's Rock Overlook Benjamin Gazsi turtle beer menu at Black Bear Burrito KY just a few tents at Miguel's Miguel's breakfast line Rick Weber instructing a climber on cleaning at the Muir Valley parking area. Ale81 is *everywhere* in this part of KY Plesae Do Not Pee Under Overhangs. Rain Needs to Reach Soil to Refresh it. stick clippers lament Peter leading Tony good crowd - everyone was friendly and safe stick clip one of the nice local guides cleaning practice station ant moving a dead bee up the wall Julie Julie crushing first outdoor leads! American Crack offwidthy start to American Crack group shot after P1 of Bedtime for Bonzo group shot after P1 of Bedtime for Bonzo guided party hanging out in front of Calypso resting in Snake Peter leading Snake (5.8) David on Calypso III FEED the GOATS Muir Valley map nice rest One-Armed Bandit - quality route, 12 bolts to anchors lizard watches you attempt to send bypassing the lizard observer view across from the top of the Boneyard Nutter Fort PUSSYCAT Morgantown water tower wind turbines God's Ark of Safety Church