brunch and petting zoo at River Ranch

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Meghan (taken by Charles) Peter flying (taken by Charles) dam just NE of 2RR (taken by Charles) nice T-6 for a neighbor pretty RV nice T-6 swamp buggy swamp buggy Charles' bovine friend (taken by Charles) the goat that was stealing all of the rabbit food tractor goat N22GN N22GN oh, the indignity church cow eat mor chikn busy day 2RR runway 34 N20443 landing at 2RR N20443 landing at 2RR N20443 landing at 2RR N20443 landing at 2RR N20443 landing at 2RR N20443 landing at 2RR N20443 landing at 2RR Palm Bay Regional Park (cwf photo) abandon on final for 27L at MLB (cwf photo) NGC hangar