trip to see Tim in Ft Lauderdale

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yes, I accidentally had the cabin light on St Lucie nuclear power plant southeast of Ft Pierce St Lucie nuclear power plant southeast of Ft Pierce I must be concentrating on something... on final at FXE - Ft Lauderdale Executive on the Banyan ramp the aquarium is awesome neat fans in Banyan Tim's apartment complex I could get used to this. Discovery HD neat tree patrolling the intercoastal parking meter fun commercial blvd I must have 20 pictures like this. 1950s fire station architecture? do not stop on tracks flashing sign on final for rwy 8 at FXE not the first to land here Banyan the Pompano landfill 7 in line for departure at PBI St Lucie nuclear power plant southeast of Ft Pierce La Estancia de Luisa - great Columbian food at Babcock and Pt Malabar.