signs of navigation-inspired birds into the glass window
File: IMG_5851.JPG File size: 1,869KB Image Serial Number: 358-5851 Camera Model: Canon EOS D60 Camera serial number: 0520402463 Firmware: Firmware Version 1.0.2 Owner: Peter Jensen / Date/Time: 2004:02:07 12:03:25 Shutter speed: 1/320 sec Aperture: 1.8 Exposure mode: Av Flash: Off Metering mode: Evaluative Drive mode: Continuous frame: 1 ISO: 200 Lens: 50.0 mm Focal length: 50.0mm AF mode: One-shot AF Focus point: [Center] Image size: 3072 x 2048 Rotation: none Image quality: Fine White balance: Daylight Saturation: Normal Sharpness: Normal Contrast: Normal Custom Functions: CFn 4: Tv/Av and exposure level: 1/3 stop CFn 5: AF-assist beam/Flash firing: Only ext. flash emits/Fires CFn 8: Shutter curtain sync: 2nd-curtain sync CFn 11: Menu button return position: Previous CFn 12: SET button function when shooting: Change ISO speed User comments: "signs of navigation-inspired birds into the glass window"