some random shots from around Tech, a day flying with North Atlanta Soaring Assocation, and more Tech

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mowing at IC field autopath worker on the roof stadium construction David bid day bid day yet another pic of the new antennas other photographers cocatech! new stadium addition Charles and Charles alone is responsible for this picture NASA pins retriever tight F3B turn it's almost like there's a cat there and it's stalking prey Spencer launching Buddy launching Buddy launching Alan's tails closeup of Alan's tailwork Buddy behind Alan's nice tailgroup bottom of Alan's machine -5 points, servo horn not sanded into airfoiled shape note the draggy plywood blocks nice switchjack install very clean from the front Randy et. al.'s SBXC Randy with the SBXC they haven't installed the elevator fairings yet, but otherwise it's a pretty darn clean design Charles' misfortune (happened on the lot across from the Aware Home on 10th street.) Actual loss was minimal, but had to replace the window. vacuuming GT LAX GT Women's lacross folks talk with a prospective member photo club June Emory Flight some big ass anderson power pole connectors on the brushless motor for the car. some big ass anderson power pole connectors on the brushless motor for the car. photo club people Solar Jackets Solar Jackets lots and lots (~ $16k, IIRC) Kokam LiPo batteries pen and fuel CoC way to go, GA