sloping with NASA and others at Carter's dam

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Carter's Dam slope, with some fliers barely visible on the lip (and the downed Zagi that I was retrieving in front of me) a wing up in lift NCFM Moth working back up the hill after getting low in a thermal off-cycle Carter's dam from the first point on the path down blown-out view of the lower lake NCFM Moth going behind Zagi repair Moth Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside Spencer and his NCFM Moth working the backside pretty JW JW launch JW DS Peter making a terrible face into the afternoon sun with his Moth Peter launching his NCFM Moth Peter's NCFM Moth on the backside side-view of the Moth inverted Moth Moth Moth turning Moth cruising Peter flying with the ugly hat unsuspecting Zagi pilot about to get whooshed by a Moth (30' distance, though) Moth (planform was cut wrong; not NCFM's fault) 3 in the air (although we had just about everyone up at several points) Moth flyby Moth Peter's NCFM Moth cruising by Peter's NCFM Moth Peter's NCFM Moth land-out :) Peter fetching the Moth Spencer and his very nicely constructed Moth Spencer's brother in law? soloing fetching a plane Buddy Buddy yes, that's a slow stick up in slope lift slow stick near VTOL relaxing after a successful flight Buddy making a short retrieve of his Red Herring Spencer damside congress note the wind patterns on the lake penetration is acheived and she's up there not your typical sloper, but performed admirably Buddy watching a wing launching a wing the broken arm in a sling wasn't the slightest hindrance backside backside Buddy's van Spencer landing