I got to be Mark Roberts' first customer on June 22 when he, I, and
Del Brengman got together in his garage to cut the first official set
of cores using his CNC hot wire foam cutting machine. Picture
annotation and clean-up will come a little later as I get time, but
for now here's the raw camera output. White balance can be fixed for
most of them, but WYSIWYG right now.
Just for interest, here are the specs on the cores we cut (from the Charles River RC Terminator Wing page:
The standard Terminator wing has a flat center section with polyhedral tips. The Terminator center section is a flat one-piece core, 21" long, with a 7" chord and a standard 8.01% thickness S4083 airfoil. The Terminator tip section is 20" long, and tapers from a 7" chord to a 5" chord. The S4083 airfoil is transitioned from 8.01% thickness to 5% thickness from the tip section joint to the wingtip, and there is 1% of washout at the tip.
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