
Winds were about 5 variable, centered around 180. Flown at the GT track and field location next to the tennis center. Interesting notes: only had one rubber band to tie the wings on with, but it never failed. This is not recommended, but I didn't have a problem with it other than noticing sharp banks probably suffered from some sloppiness in the wing attachment.

Last crash of the evening was into a tractor-trailer, caused mostly by loss of the lefthand control surface due to a bad taping job. Damage was repaired in 15 minutes at home and with some trimming she should be ready to fly again. [15 minutes of work later: Did a glide check and trim-out in the yard and it's ready to go again]

launch [3.2M, 29s AVI]
low pass[2.9M, 29s AVI]
"does this thing have a microphone?"[2.1M 19s AVI]
gliding in for a landing[3.3M, 24s AVI]
another moveie [9.0M, MOV]

after landing after landing

capture locationGT track and field

24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 002 24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 002

capture locationGT track and field

24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 003 24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 003

capture locationGT track and field

24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 005 24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 005

capture locationGT track and field

yes, I missed that tree yes, I missed that tree

capture locationGT track and field

24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 007 24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 007

capture locationGT track and field

extra point extra point

capture locationGT track and field

extra point extra point

capture locationGT track and field

extra point extra point

capture locationGT track and field

extra point extra point

capture locationGT track and field

fly-by fly-by

capture locationGT track and field

fly-by fly-by

capture locationGT track and field

24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 021 24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 021

capture locationGT track and field

24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 029 24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 029

capture locationGT track and field

a little close for comfort a little close for comfort

capture locationGT track and field

coke building coke building

capture locationGT track and field

hit the tree but kept on flying hit the tree but kept on flying

capture locationGT track and field

hit the tree but kept on flying hit the tree but kept on flying

capture locationGT track and field

one second later; tree with no plane one second later; tree with no plane

capture locationGT track and field

Firebird XL and Atlanta Firebird XL and Atlanta

capture locationGT track and field

Firebird XL and Atlanta Firebird XL and Atlanta

capture locationGT track and field

Bank of America under attack Bank of America under attack

capture locationGT track and field

missed by a mile missed by a mile

capture locationGT track and field

turning turning

capture locationGT track and field

turning turning

capture locationGT track and field

turning turning

capture locationGT track and field

pre-flight prep pre-flight prep

capture locationGT track and field

it's somewhere out there it's somewhere out there

capture locationGT track and field

me, recovering the last crash (look to the right of the cargo containers) me, recovering the last crash (look to the right of the cargo containers)

capture locationGT track and field

Atlanta Atlanta

capture locationGT track and field

Atlanta Atlanta

capture locationGT track and field

Atlanta Atlanta

capture locationGT track and field