Last crash of the evening was into a tractor-trailer, caused mostly by
loss of the lefthand control surface due to a bad taping job. Damage was
repaired in 15 minutes at home and with some trimming she should be
ready to fly again. [15 minutes of work later: Did a glide check and
trim-out in the yard and it's ready to go again]
after landing
capture location | GT track and field |
24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 002
capture location | GT track and field |
24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 003
capture location | GT track and field |
24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 005
capture location | GT track and field |
yes, I missed that tree
capture location | GT track and field |
24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 007
capture location | GT track and field |
extra point
capture location | GT track and field |
extra point
capture location | GT track and field |
extra point
capture location | GT track and field |
extra point
capture location | GT track and field |
capture location | GT track and field |
capture location | GT track and field |
24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 021
capture location | GT track and field |
24 2002 RC Airplane with Peter 029
capture location | GT track and field |
a little close for comfort
capture location | GT track and field |
coke building
capture location | GT track and field |
hit the tree but kept on flying
capture location | GT track and field |
hit the tree but kept on flying
capture location | GT track and field |
one second later; tree with no plane
capture location | GT track and field |
Firebird XL and Atlanta
capture location | GT track and field |
Firebird XL and Atlanta
capture location | GT track and field |
Bank of America under attack
capture location | GT track and field |
missed by a mile
capture location | GT track and field |
capture location | GT track and field |
capture location | GT track and field |
capture location | GT track and field |
pre-flight prep
capture location | GT track and field |
it's somewhere out there
capture location | GT track and field |
me, recovering the last crash (look to the right of the cargo containers)
capture location | GT track and field |
capture location | GT track and field |
capture location | GT track and field |
capture location | GT track and field |