
These are from the inauguration of this Firebird XL. Winds were around 8 at 030, with lulls down to about 3 and gusts to about 12.

low-battery bounce launch [2.2M, 12s AVI]
normal flight[4.0M, 29s AVI]
walking over to a rough landing (not really worth watching)[5.4M, 29s AVI]

The Firebird XL is lots of fun. Future flights will include an extra battery pack, less wind, more field space, and more aggressive settings on the control surfaces. The first video was of the last flight -- the combination of a bad launch and low power resulted in the skippy take-off.

If you need to find a toy for a young kid with a lot of room and minimal RC experience, this is a great pick. The obvious downside is lack of elevator control, but I think the challenge presented by that limitation makes re-learning R/C control fun and relaxing.

low flight low flight

capture locationsome elementary school in Cobb Co near Delk Rd.

Firebird XL on the ground Firebird XL on the ground

capture locationsome elementary school in Cobb Co near Delk Rd.

almost straight-on view almost straight-on view

capture locationsome elementary school in Cobb Co near Delk Rd.

launching launching

capture locationsome elementary school in Cobb Co near Delk Rd.

launching again launching again

capture locationsome elementary school in Cobb Co near Delk Rd.

flattering portrait of me flattering portrait of me

capture locationsome elementary school in Cobb Co near Delk Rd.

putting the last touches of packing tape on the wing putting the last touches of packing tape on the wing

capture locationsome elementary school in Cobb Co near Delk Rd.