
Jon and Kimberly and I decided to ride today, so we went to the Chickopee Woods Trail, a SORBA trail up in Gainesville. We did an easy clockwise 9 mile loop through the zig-zag trail and had a good time; the weather was absolutely beautiful. I came to the conclusion that it is now time to replace the drivetrain on my bike, especially since the middle ring on the cranks is now missing teeth.

navigation navigation

descriptionJon didn't want to remove the headlamp from his helmet (duct tape was affixing it)

Kudzu Valley Kudzu Valley

climbing climbing

more kudzu more kudzu

Kimberly Kimberly

right of way right of way

dcp 4473 dcp 4473

dcp 4474 dcp 4474

Kimberly negotiating the log Kimberly negotiating the log

baby daddy long legs baby daddy long legs

descriptionThese appeared to be baby daddy long legs, but I have no idea. I was too close on the pictures and the plane of sharp focus is about 5" past the subject.

baby daddy long legs baby daddy long legs

baby daddy long legs baby daddy long legs

Jon crossing Jon crossing

Kimberly crossing Kimberly crossing