
Alex using my computer Alex using my computer

subjectsAlex Griffith
capture locationMatheson 211

The Biltmore The Biltmore

subjectsthe Biltmore hotel
capture locationfire escape on OMED building behind Physical Plant

courthouse courthouse

subjectsa courthouse somewhere in west Texas
capture locationsomewhere in west Texas

reflection reflection

descriptionThe upwards gaze is unintentional; a big air condition or somesuch on top of the Rich building kicked on just as the timer expired.
subjectsPeter Jensen
keywordsreflection, OIT
capture locationon top of the Rich Building @ Tech

reflection reflection

subjectsPeter Jensen
keywordsreflection, OIT
capture locationon top of the Rich Building @ Tech

Sideways Sideways

subjectsthe Sideways grave by the Tech Tower
capture locationnear the Tech tower, by Junior's grill

tree reflected in oil tree reflected in oil

keywordsreflection, oil, Georgia Tech
capture locationoil pit on south side of Bobby Dodd way by the physical plant